
Plano ISD Helpful Links

PISD eNews The PISD provides a way for you to easily and quickly receive notifications via email about happenings in the PISD. Simply go the the Plano I.S.D eNews website and fill out a form with your contact information.

Volunteer Application The PISD does a background check on all prospective volunteers who will be working with students. This includes activities such as camp counselors, mentors, tutors, field trip sponsors, overnight trip sponsors, any volunteers who will have access to student information, and volunteers who work on a regular basis with students.

If you want to volunteer to work with kids in Andrews Elementary you’ll need to fill out a Volunteer Application which you can find at the website.

Parent Portal The Plano ISD Parent Portal provides direct access to the Parent Viewer information (grades/attendance). It also serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to parents. This site gives you direct access into your child’s classroom information, registration to your child’s campus eNews, district-wide information and links to other often used services.

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