

Welcome to the Andrews Elementary School PTA website where we keep Andrews families up-to-date on all things PTA: details on upcoming PTA events, links to our Facebook page, Andrews PTA eNews and more . . . all in one place and available 24/7! To read more about each news item, CLICK ON POST HEADLINES BELOW. […]

Get Ready for Teacher Appreciation Week

Andrews has the best teachers and staff! The PTA Hospitality Committee has planned a fun week of Teacher Appreciation activities for the week of May 1-5 with a teachers deliver theme. So, show teachers how much you and your student appreciate how much your teachers deliver (participation is optional, of course). Here’s a list of […]

Mrs. Varnau Teacher of the Year

Andrews would like to wish Mrs. Varnau all the best at this evenings Teacher of the Year Gala , where she will be honored, and celebrated for all she does.  Congratulations Mrs. Varnau!


Games Day Andrews Elementary Packet

Yearbooks for Purchase

The Andrews Yearbook is now on Sale now.  If paying by check, please return your order form and payment to your child’s teacher or drop off at the front office. If you have more than one child at Andrews, consider purchasing a separate yearbook for each child. At the end of the year, there is […]

Help Make This Year’s Book Fair the Best Ever

Do you like puppies and kittens? Paws for Books is the exciting theme of our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair in April, and the children are getting excited! We are looking for volunteers to help organize and coordinate the fair. If you are interested, please email andrewsptapresident@gmail.com for more information.

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