Take advantage of earning free and easy money for Andrews PTA programs through E-Labels, no clipping required!
- Register your Kroger card at www.RewardYourSchool.com and designate “Andrews PTA”. Earn 5 box tops (50 cents) just for registering. Purchase qualifying products with your loyalty card. Andrews will receive the Bonus Box Tops you earn automatically.
- Register your Tom Thumb card at www.2Ways2Earn.com and designate “Andrews PTA”. Earn 5 box tops (50 cents) just for registering. Purchase qualifying products with your Reward card. Andrews will receive Bonus Box Tops you earn automatically.
- Register your Kroger and Tom Thumb cards at www.eLabelsForEducation.com and designate Andrews Elementary. When you purchase participating items, our school will receive labels for education points automatically.
Grandparents, friends, neighbors, and businesses can participate in these programs, too. The more who participate, the more we earn!