
Andrews PTA-building

Welcome to the Andrews Elementary School PTA website.

Andrews Elementary is an exemplary school not only because of our fantastic educators and students, but also due to the involvement of all staff and families. We do our part by providing assistance with:

  • Education programs
  • Field trips
  • Student agendas
  • School Supplies
  • Classroom resources
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Reflections Contest
  • After-school program: Chess
  • Family events like: Fall Festival, Book Fair, Spirit Nights, and more
  • Teacher Appreciation Week


None of this would be possible without the support of our Andrews families!

Join the PTA to volunteer, participate in our fundraisers, enjoy our events and stay up-to-date with things going on at school.

Thank you in advance for all you do to help make Andrews great!  


Click HERE to become part of PTA TODAY!

Stay connected to your school through Andrews PTA:

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